Gittin' Started with Pantheon Multidev

Pantheon now offers development instances for feature branches, allowing code to be reviewed and tested before being merged into master.

Pantheon’s new Multidev technology has gotten quite a bit of attention lately, but why is it a big deal?

Rewind: How I prefer to use Git

Even as a solo developer, I am a git-flow evangelist. This helped me get up to speed working in teams when I joined Four Kitchens, and satisfies my need to keep digital assets tidy. (I don’t keep much else tidy—just ask my mother—so I reserve the right to get picky about my code.)

My Git principles, summarized from git-flow:

See how I do this on Scrummy’s branch view. (Scrummy is a game I’m developing.)

Pantheon’s old way

Pantheon provides Dev, Test, and Live environments. This is superior to any other host I’ve used; I’m grateful for this. My personal dealbreaker, however: the Development environment sits at the default branch head, not a branch for active work.

Therefore, to test anything on a Pantheon environment, it had to be merged. This required merging untested, incomplete, and/or unreviewed code into the default branch, then stumbling over others while fixing it in subsequent commits on a single branch. There’s a word for that: Subversion

I git, therefore I branch. Copiously. Pantheon now embraces this (whether you use git-flow, or any other branching strategy).

Enter Multidev!

As Pantheon describes:

Multidev saves large projects from death by a thousand local environments. Think of it as Google Docs for Drupal website development.

Multidev allows a full Pantheon environment to be spun up for any branch head.

Let that sink in.

I can have an environment on devel for the current sprint, on feature_redesign, or for bugfix_solr. I can test the branch, then merge it when the code is finished, reviewed, and releasable.

This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for, not merely to satisfy my philosophical minutiae, but also because Pantheon is a very fine-tuned and somewhat non-standard platform. Code that works on my Ubuntu box may not always work on Pantheon. This feature eliminates that inconsistency. Pantheon’s Josh Koenig details these benefits on their blog.

How is it used?

If you use Pantheon’s git remote as your project’s only remote, you’re already set:

# If you don't have a dev branch, create one:
git checkout -b devel

# Then push it to pantheon (use your remote name):
git push pantheon devel
Git Branhes on the Multidev Pantheon Dashboard

From the Multidev environment tab, select Git Branches and create an environment for your new branch. Repeat this step for feature branches.

Warning: At the time of writing, environment names are limited to 11 characters. Keep names short, or push an alternate branch name:

# Push a long-name branch as a new name and track it:
# local/feature-longbranchname --> pantheon/f-branch
git push pantheon -u feature-longbranchname:f-branch

Click Create Environment and select a source to clone database and files. Once the environment is constructed, you will be directed to the Cloud Environments tab:

Running Environments on the Multidev Pantheon Dashboard

These resulting environments are as fully-featured as the three standard environments. Clicking the “Merge into master” button reveals the git commands to merge (which I will expound upon here):

# Update your local repo:
git fetch pantheon

# Switch to master (or devel, if merging a feature)
git checkout master

# Catch up with pantheon/master in any one of these ways:
git merge pantheon/master # Preferred in most cases
git rebase pantheon/master # Only if it would be wise to do so!
git reset --hard pantheon/master # Destroy local differences

# Merge your new branch
git merge --no-ff devel -m "Merge devel -> master: deploy ... ... ..."

# If you plan on tagging master, like I generally do:
git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m "Release X.Y.Z: ... ... ..."

# Push to Pantheon
git push pantheon master

At this time, Pantheon does not merge for you. Either way, I’d prefer merging manually on the command-line for the added control. (Regarding the comment about rebasing. Useful if necessary, dicey otherwise.)

“But we use GitHub for Pull Requests!”

Git makes managing multiple remotes easy. The key to maintaining a GitHub-centric workflow is to push commits to both repositories. This requires paying a little extra attention, and perhaps having one person on the team assigned to check up on this periodically.

Unless you have a reason for keeping things separate, an easy workaround is to use ‘all’ as an alias for multiple remotes. Users can git push all [branch] to push it to GitHub and Pantheon simultaneously, which will update the PR and the environment.

When a PR is merged on GitHub, an admin can fetch github, merge as necessary, and push pantheon.